Sing a Long
As part of the resource pack for schools and learning groups, Valise Noire present 'Bring Up The Merman', a new sea shanti style song to celebrate the heritage of the seas and the Merman carving brought up from the waters near Poole harbour, from a ship wreck in about the year 1630.
Listen to the waves
Listen to the waves
Listen to the waves
Listen to the rolling waves
The water needs to be saved
The water needs to be saved
Make the murky the clear, so
Face the mighty fearsome waves
The Merman calls to be saved
The Merman calls to be saved
Bring up the merman
Bring up the merman
Bring up the merman
Bring up the merman
We want to hear the stories
We want to hear the stories
Heave Ho - we want to go
Under the water
Heave More - we must explore
Under of the sea
Heave Ho - we want to go
Under the water
Heave Ho - we want to be
Heave Ho - we want to be
Part of the sea
Lyrics by Valise Noire:
Music by Momotempo
The Merman’s Letter
Use the letter in the classroom and as preparation for coming to see the show with your children.
Making drawings and illustrations for Cargo
Watch the demonstration film and take inspiration from this gallery of images to help you create drawings for CARGO. You can create drawings and illustrations of, ships and boats, maps of the coastline and area of Poole, places where you think or know ships will have travelled to all over the world to deliver cargo, creative maps of the seas and oceans, fish, sea animals, sea monsters, birds of the sea, any cargo that the boats might transport – such as clay, wool, money, treasure! Mermaids, Merchants or traders of cargo, sea goddesses and deities of the waters, curly and old fashioned style writing.